Goodness me there have been a lot of media reports of late with stories linking “celebrities” and incontinence….. hopefully in some bizarre way , this may raise the profile of CONTINENCE ISSUES …after all , we all love to do what the celebrities do !!

Here are a few snippets from recent months in the news:

  • In a very honest acknowledgement actress Debbie Reynolds apparently spoke out about her symptoms of OAB – an overactive bladder which can lead to sudden unexpected small losses of urine.
  • Whoopi Goldberg now features in ads for POISE and their LBL campaign . She talks about : “The spritz is “that little psst of water that comes out of your body,” says comic Whoopi Goldberg who admits that she occasionally spritzes .Well it’s not water Whoopi – it is urine and whilst it is probably more acceptable having a celebrity tout pads for LBL and we are more likely to buy this brand because Whoopi uses it …never lose site of the fact that spritzes are not normal, nor are they acceptable or an inevitable part of ageing. You may need pads to help you whilst training your bodily functions and muscles back to be in control again but they should not be seen as the solution to the problem.
  • Kris Kardishan, matriach of the Kardishan TV reality show saw an opportunity to highlight the condition from her episodes of incontinence in a recently aired episode according to reports in The Daily Mail in the UK…..her charming daughters made fun of her in an episode when she was constantly running to the loo. The subsequent visit to the doctor for a diagnosis of Stress Incontinence was apparently filmed and according to the Daily report , she was rightly advised to first try conservative treatments:
    “The non-medical treatments, which in this case Kris was advised to start doing, include:
    *Weight loss
    *Cessation of smoking
    *Pelvic floor exercises
    *Vaginal weights
    *Electrical stimulation

Check out our online shop for top quality examples of these devices. 

and I would add in here to seek the advice of a continence professional if you need help with addressing any continence problem….a women’s/men’s health physiotherapist or a continence nurse or your doctor

  • Gerard Depardieu famously quite recently urinated in the aisle of an aeroplane after being told to take his seat and not go to the loo until the seatbelt sign was off……now whether he was behaving badly or had a desperate need to urinate due to a prostate problem or similar remains unclear ….but there are reports that he does indeed have a prostate problem like many men in their sixties – not a great way to get your point across but if he does have a problem it highlights the fact of how desperate people can get when confronted by the urgent need to go.

SO – WHETHER YOU FOLLOW CELEBRITIES OR NOT , WHETHER YOU AGREE WITH THE WAY THEY HAVE HANDLED THEIR CONTINENCE ISSUES OR NOT ….AT LEAST THEY HAVE BROUGHT THEM OUT IN THE OPEN IN THEIR OWN BIZARRE WAYS ……talk to someone about your continence issue today . If celebrities can do it out in the open – you can do it in the privacy of your health professional’s office.